
Thoughts From UK Team


-To tell our stories (ours and the Malaysian groups)
-To tell universal stories
-To engage our audience
-To share
-To represent us; who we are, who the Malaysian group are and both our societies
-To be political and argue
-To challenge tradition in terms of both form and content
-To shock


-Nostalgia, memories
-Ceremony, ritual, festivals
-Family, inheritance, convention, tradition
-Sharing, confessing
-Concealment, hidden lives, strangers
-Communication (the way we create meaning and how easily misinterpretations are formed)
-Contained rebellion
-Riots, war
-Identity, individuality
-Choices, responsibilities
-Change, progress


-Passing on, inheriting information
-The piece itself takes the form of the box
-Repetition (scenes played out numerous times but slightly altered each time)
-Take one audience member at a time on an individual journey
-Do not be limited to the studio
-Image based, physical, non-narrative
-Utilize smell, sound, taste to a greater degree than traditionally used
-Fast paced; bombardment
-Including different languages

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