
Bang B-b-Bang!

Alo Alo,

Checking out the website below, awesomosity! Really don't mind doing it for the workshop or etc. Woo hoo.

There's a website I've been visiting for a while now - it's a... thinking factory? I kept clicking non-stop that first time. Anyway. Click here

Also, check out Billy Collins. Poetry with animation, heard of him? Thought he was cool - here he is:


YB (Yang Bercermin Mata Besar) said...

oh yes i like this billy collins.

saw a few other animated works inspired by his poems.

he has a rather mono-tone-ness voice eh? style is it?

Mooza Mohd said...

style kot.. but nice la he doesn't need layer-tone to get the msg across.. but.. then again I was concentrating on the cute animation that 1st time.
